Next Fusion Technologies Private Limited (hereinafter “Company”/ “We”/ “Us”/ “Our”) owns and operates an online platform under the brand name ‘My Salon Club’ (“Platform”) which acts as a conduit between salons and customers for salon services.

We respect Your privacy and are committed to protect Your privacy through the compliance of this Privacy Policy. We collect, use, and disclose information collected from the salons registered on the Platform (each, a "Salon" or "You" or “Your”) via the Platform or any forms submitted online on the Platform. We provide You with the Platform to facilitate transactions involving salon services (“Services”). This Privacy Policy applies to the Salons for the Services offered by Us on this Platform.

By accessing or using Our Platform, Services and content, You acknowledge that You have read this policy and that You understand Your rights in relation to Your information and how We will collect, use and process it. If You do not agree with this policy in general or any part of it, You are advised not to use the Services. The purpose of this policy is to inform You about the type of information We collect and how We use the information. It informs You about Our practices to manage, protect and disclose Your personal information that You may share with Us. Access to the Platform is conditional upon Your approval of this Privacy Policy which should be read together with Our Terms of Use and/ or any other Policy notified on Our Platform.

By signing up on the Platform and the Services, You confirm that You are an entity formed under the applicable laws and any representative on Your behalf using the Platform shall be above the age of 18 years.

You understand that by creating an account on the Platform, We and other third parties will be able to identify You, and You allow Us to use this information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and Our Terms of Use. 

By providing personal information to Us when You create or update Your account and salon profile, You are expressly and voluntarily accepting the terms and conditions of the Platform’s Terms of Use.

This Platform may include links to other websites and/or information from third parties which may or may not be endorsed by Us, whose privacy policies We do not control. When You access another website or hyperlink or third party products or services through the Platform, including by way of redirection, use of any information You provide, is governed by the privacy policy of the operator of the page You are visiting or the provider of such products or services.

What information do We collect about You?

We collect general information when You create an account and use the Platform, such as Your Salon name, GST information, salon images, bank details, location, contact details such as e-mail and phone number. We further collect the information of third parties, provided by You such as Your employees, manager, agent or agency, if any.

The types of information We collect:

Entity Information: You give Us information about Your entity, regardless of Your form of incorporation, required by Us for providing the Services.

Technical Information: We automatically collect certain information from You when You use the Platform, including Your IP address, location-related data or other unique device identifiers, Your browsing history, Your mobile carrier, mobile or device information including the model of Your device, mobile analytics to understand the functionality of Our Platform and software on Your device, Your operating system, screen resolution, the interaction of Your device with the Platform and applications; camera and photos, or storage and information regarding Your use of the Platform.

Sensitive personal information: The Platform will never ask You and You must never provide sensitive personal data or information to the Platform or to any person/entity representing the Platform except for what is explicitly stated in the Privacy Policy. Any disclosure of sensitive personal data or information shall be at Your sole risk and without any liability to the Platform. You understand, acknowledge and agree that the Platform or any other person acting on behalf of the Platform shall not in any manner be responsible for the authenticity of the personal information or sensitive personal data or information provided by You to the Platform.

You must not disclose Your:

  • Passwords;
  • Physical, physiological and mental health condition;
  • Medical records and history;
  • Biometric information;
  • National identification numbers;
  • And such other sensitive personal data or information.

Please note that any information that is freely available or accessible in public domain or furnished under the Right to Information Act, 2005 or any other law for the time being in force shall not be regarded as personal information or sensitive personal data or information for the purposes of this Privacy Policy and the Platform shall not be obliged to take any measures to protect the same since the same is freely available in the public domain.

We shall on regular basis, verify and filter the content and/or information posted by You on the Platform by You/ user including Your account and also reserve the right to delete / remove such content from the Platform if the same is found unsuitable or obscene, defamatory, offensive and/or infringing any third party copyright, without any further intimation / notice to You. The user of the Platform hereby disclaims Us in case of the deletion / removal of such content from the Platform and We assume no liability in respect of the same.      

Why do We collect the information about You?

We use/process Your information for the following:

  • To allow You to access Our Platform and use Our Services
  • To authenticate Your account credentials and identify You, so that Your access to the same is safe and secure
  • To help You create and handle Your account on Our Platform, facilitate the Services
  • To send You information services and administrative emails, or other notices required by law
  • To provide You with any other information, products or services in terms of this Policy or Our Terms of Use
  • To respond to, or follow up on, Your comments and questions; and otherwise provide customer service. With Your consent, where required, We may contact You on the mobile number that You provide to Us by way of direct calls, autodialled and pre-recorded messages/ calls, and text messages (including WhatsApp messages) in connection with providing customer service.
  • To otherwise communicate with You, including through Our customer service agents.
  • To analyse Your preference, and Your engagement with Our Platform
  • To personalise and customize Our Services for You, including by providing recommendations, personalized content, customized search results or special promotions/ offers
  • To provide personalised advertising based on Your interests to You on Our Platform, or through any other channels of communication We are authorized to use to communicate with You
  • To manage Our relationship with advertisers and partners
  • To conduct optional surveys to understand Your opinions and comments
  • To understand and analyse how Our Services are used, for purposes of product, website, application and service development and to enhance Your experience
  • To aid strategic development, data collection and business analytics
  • To audit usage of Our Platform
  • To enhance user experience in relation to Our Platform
  • To manage and maintain Our security systems, including by identifying fraudulent activity
  • To ensure compliance with the applicable law and/or the Terms of Use
  • To carry out Our obligations and enforce Our rights arising from any contracts entered into between You and Us, including for billing and collection
  • To notify You about changes to Our Platform or any products or services We offer
  • To allow You to participate in interactive features on Our Platform
  • For any other purpose, with Your consent

When do we share information about You?

  • We may use the information You provide Us for the purpose of providing our Services through the Platform including but not limited to advertisement, promotion and marketing of the Platform through any mode, mediums and formats, whether now or future discovered, and may disclose the information You provide us to Our affiliates and group companies, for legitimate business purposes, including operating Our Platform, and providing services through the Platform.


  • In addition, We may disclose the information You provide Us for legitimate business purposes to the following third parties:
  • Any third party service providers, such as analytics providers; maps providers, data centres; other IT based solutions, advertising service companies or any other service-providers, for the purpose of enabling them to assist Us in providing Our services to You. For instance, if We use a third party service provider to send SMS’s to You, We may share Your phone number with them;
  • If We promote a program or offer a service or product in conjunction with a third-party business partner, We will share Your information with that partner to assist in marketing or to provide the associated product or service. In most of those cases, the program or offer will include the name of the third-party business partner, either alone or with Ours, or You will be redirected to the website of that business with notice.
  • When You use a co-branded service (a service operated with a Our partner), or register or otherwise provide information on a co-branded site, You grant Us permission to pass the collected information back to that partner, which may include third party service providers whose services are embedded into and/or appear within Our Platform;
  • We may share the information provided by You in connection with a corporate transaction, such as a divestiture, merger, consolidation, assignments or asset sale, or in the unlikely event of insolvency. In the case of any acquisition, We will inform the buyer it must use Your information only for the purposes disclosed in this Privacy Policy;
  • Outside professional advisors (such as accountants, auditors, or lawyers), subject to binding contractual obligations of confidentiality;
  • Any relevant party to detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security, or technical issues;
  • Any relevant party, law enforcement agency or court, to the extent necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of Our rights.


  • When We share information with any of the parties mentioned hereinabove, We do not authorise them to Use Your information for any other purpose except to provide their part of service. However, how the said entities actually use the information shared with them is beyond Our purview and hence We are not responsible or liable for the same. You are therefore advised to review the privacy policies of the respective service provider or supplier whose services You choose to avail.


  • We may also disclose information collected from you, including sensitive information, under the following circumstances:
  • If the information is required to comply with a court order or other legal process;
  • If legal and regulatory authorities request for such Information or if it is required for the purposes of reporting any actual or suspected breach of applicable law or regulation;
  • If We believe that it is necessary to do so to protect and defend the rights, property or safety of Our Platform and/ or Our Users.


  • We also anonymize or aggregate information collected from you, in whichever manner collected, to produce general statistics that cannot be linked to You or any other specific user. Information that has been aggregated and de-identified is no longer considered “Personal Information” and may be subsequently used for any purpose.



The security of Your information (as described under this Privacy Policy) is important to Us. We follow generally accepted industry standards to protect the information submitted to Us, both during transmission and once We receive it. We ensure that information shared by You is protected against any kind of loss, theft and unauthorized access. While We strive to protect Your information, no internet site can eliminate risks entirely and hence, We cannot guarantee or warrant the security of any information provided/ transmitted to Us by You. If We become aware that Your information has been disclosed in a manner not in accordance with this Privacy Policy, We will use reasonable efforts to notify You of the nature and extent of such disclosure (to the extent We know that information) as soon as reasonably possible and as permitted by law. Details of the security measures we employ are reproduced in the forgoing paragraphs.

How long do We retain Your information?

We retain Your information for as long as it is necessary to fulfil Our contractual and legal obligations, Our legitimate business purposes; and to conduct a defence in relation to disputes or potential disputes. We may also retain Your data longer in accordance with any limitation periods and records retention obligations that are imposed by applicable laws.

How will We notify You of any changes in our Privacy Policy?

The Company reserves the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time to reflect changes in legal or regulatory obligations or changes in the manner in which We deal with Your information. We will notify You of any material changes to this policy, through a notice on Our Platform, which You will have to accept, failing which, We reserve the right to deactivate and/ or delete Your profile from Our Platform without any prior notification. However, You may keep a check on this policy regularly to check for any changes. We will also update the “Last Updated” date at the top of this policy, which reflects the effective date of such policy. Your continued access to or use of the Services after the date of the updated policy constitutes Your acceptance of the updated policy. If You do not agree to the updated policy, You must stop accessing or using the Services.

What are Your rights?

You have the right:

  • To be told about how Your data is processed
  • To access Your data
  • To stop or restrict certain processes
  • To correct incorrect information
  • To ask Us to delete certain information
  • To object to how We are handling Your information
  • To withdraw Your consent at any time (in cases where We rely on Your consent)

Should You require further assistance in correcting/ rectifying Your information , You may write to Us at  and We will endeavour to make the rectification/ correction, wherever feasible.

How secure is Your information?

The Platform uses ordinary industry standard technology designed to help keep Your information including sensitive personal data safe. The secure server software (“SSL”) encrypts all information You put in before it is sent to us. Furthermore, all of the user data We collect is protected against unauthorized access. To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure correct use of information, We will employ commercially reasonable and practicable security practices and procedures and security methods and technologies.

Unfortunately, the transmission of information over the Internet is not completely secure. Although We strive to protect the information You provide to Us, We cannot guarantee the security of Your data while it is being transmitted to Our Platform; any transmission is at Your own risk. Once We have received Your information, We have commercially reasonable procedures and security features in place to reasonably endeavour to prevent unauthorized access.

Notwithstanding anything contained in this Privacy Policy or elsewhere, the Platform shall not be held responsible for any loss, damage or misuse of information, if such loss, damage or misuse is attributable to a Force Majeure Event. A "Force Majeure Event" shall mean any event that is beyond the reasonable control of the Company and shall include, without limitation, sabotage, fire, flood, explosion, acts of God, epidemic, pandemic, civil commotion, strikes or industrial action of any kind, riots, insurrection, war and the like, acts of government including notification and guidelines issued from time to time, computer hacking, unauthorized access to computer data and storage device, computer crashes, breach of security and encryption, etc.

Can we filter Your information?

We reserve the right to filter / close Your account and/or immediately stop / restrict Your access to the Platform by blocking / deleting Your account (either temporarily or permanently), at Our sole discretion, without any further notice or intimation to You, in respect of the following and You hereby disclaim Us in respect of the same:

  1. a) Creation of any fake accounts;
  2. b) Your illegal and unauthorized conduct;
  3. c) user submissions or obscene, defamatory and/or offensive content;
  4. d) user submissions that are objectionable and for which complaints has been received by Us; and/or
  5. e) user submissions or content that infringe any third party’s rights such as privacy rights, publicity rights, moral rights, intellectual property rights, copyrights, etc.


This Platform is hosted in India and is intended for and directed to users / salons in India. Since this Platform is in India, You will not be able to access it or upload any content from outside India. We will only be complying with the legal provisions on the subject matter as applicable in India from time to time. If You are dissatisfied or harmed by the Platform or anything related to the Platform, You may close Your account and terminate this agreement and such termination shall be Your sole and exclusive remedy.

To withdraw Your consent at any point in time, You may do so by contacting Us at

If You have a complaint about Our use or processing of Your information, You can contact Us on the details provided hereinbelow.

Contact Us

If You have any queries regarding Our Privacy Policy, You can contact Our data protection officer/ grievance officer at:


This Policy is subject to any terms and conditions, including any limitation of liability, set out in the Terms of Use.

 Last updated on: 03-07-2023